Secretly Working Abroad with a Home VPN behind CGNAT - Part 2
Overview This setup requires 3-4 components which I outline below. VPN Server The VPN server will run on a device in your home network, the device should be permanently on and ideally connected to your router using Ethernet. You could use a Raspberry Pi, a mini-PC, another travel router or your existing server hardware. If you have gigabit internet, ensure you’re not bottle necking your speeds by using non-gigabit Ethernet ports on your router+device or cables. ...
Secretly Working Abroad with a Home VPN behind CGNAT - Part 1
I travel and sometimes work from abroad - without my employer’s permission. I work for a large corp so I have to be careful to not get caught. Here’s how I do it. High Level Diagram Strategies Colleagues & Social Media No matter how much you trust your colleagues, if you have any of them on your social media, don’t post anything that could indicate you’re not in your home country. This is a dumb way to get caught. ...